Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Chickpea Spinach Curry, Shepherd's Pie, and Pistachio Crusted Salmon

Chickpea Spinach Curry
This came out awesome!! We used frozen spinach and I think that's the texture you want for this recipe. Anna also did her own thing with seasoning it.


1 15oz can chickpeas
10oz block frozen spinach
29oz can crushed tomatoes
1 12oz block extra firm tofu, cubed
3 cloves garlic, crushed and minced (more would be good)
1 inch fresh ginger, peeled and finely grated (more would be good)
Spices to taste - curry powder, garam masala, and garlic powder.
Salt to taste

Combine it all in a pot and cook! You can saute the garlic and ginger first if you like. Very easy.

Shepherd's Pie

Pistachio Crusted Salmon


1 ozLingonberryVata aggravatingPitta pacifyingKapha pacifying
1 tbspMustardVata pacifyingPitta aggravatingKapha pacifying
1/4 cPistachioVata aggravatingPitta aggravatingKapha aggravating
1 lbSalmonVata pacifyingPitta pacifyingKapha aggravating
Ayurvedic Diet


Substitute cranberry if you cannot find lingonberry.

1) Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
2) Rinse and pat the salmon and place in an oven safe dish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
3) In a small bowl, combine lingonberry jam and stone ground mustard.
4) Brush or spread the jam & mustard combination over the salmon, covering the entire top of the fillet.
5) Take 1/4 cup shelled pistachios and chopped coarsely on a cutting board. You can substitute sunflower seeds if you prefer.
6) Sprinkle the pistachios atop the salmon fillet until it is completely covered.
7) Place in the oven for 25-30 minutes or until thoroughly cooked. Serve atop a bed of greens or stir-fried veggies!

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